Nazarbayev Intellectual school was in the center of the scandal
About 40 parents of seventh-graders who pass the entrance tests in NIS, accused the selection Committee and the Director in discrimination against children.
Pupils of the sixth class in March this year passed the tests for admission to the Nazarbayev Intellectual school". Then, when documents of the parents assured that will be completed with four classes – two with the Russian language learning and two Kazakh. In April on the website of the NIS was published the preliminary results of the testing. According to the results of many of the children received the required number of points and was among the contenders.
At the end of may we announced that there will be three classes with the Kazakh language of instruction and only one –with the Russian language," says the indignant mother and are not enrolled in an elite school student Svetlana Kim.
In the words of another parent, Svetlana Kornienko, information about what classes with Russian as the language of instruction will be less, is very upset her child.
"The children planned to continue their studies at a prestigious school. They worked hard, went to extra classes, carrying the physical and psychological stress, and all in vain," laments Svetlana Kornienko.
More categorical the mother of the seventh Amines Grigorenko Jeanne Esmurzaev. The woman is sure: their actions, the school administration and selection Committee violated the rights of children.
"They had discriminated on linguistic grounds. Whereas our head of state always emphasizes on the equal status of the Kazakh and Russian languages. But our rights are infringed. So we wrote to the President, as the guarantor of the Constitution," says Jeanne Esmurzaev.
In "Nazarbayev Intellectual school" the reasons parents are unjustified. This year applied for testing 415 children from Kazakh classes and 121 from the Russian. On the final test were admitted 100 children with the Kazakh language of study and 54 – with Russian language of instruction. Respectively, were 60 from the first group and 24 from the second.
"I can think of three reasons why it happened. First: gained high scores – children of the Kazakh classes. Second, our region is dominated by classes with the Kazakh language of instruction. And third, the design capacity of our school does not allow you to open additional classes", – commented on the incident the press Secretary of the school Diana Kanapyanov.
"Nazarbayev intellectual school", Taldykorgan has a physical-mathematical bias, opened in 2010. School fifth year recognized as "Best Olympic school" of the Republic. This year, 38 students of the institution have become winners of scientific competitions and Olympiads.